
What is Roger Federer like in real life? 5 amazing stories

Roger Federer like in real life
Roger Federer like in real life

What do you think Roger Federer like in real life when He met people?

” Roger Federer in real life is decent, humble, and kinder than Aunt Bee, “. These were the words a fan described Roger Federer when He once met him.

Roger Federer in real life is funny, serious, and elegant, He can be all of these and that’s what makes him unique.

for that, We will see some stories of Roger Federer when He met people in real life, and How is Roger Federer as a person as well.

We will pick only 5 as the stories are countless.

let’s dive in!

Roger Federer with Zizou

What’s it like to meet Roger Federer? what about if He manages to make you a surprise?

Zizou was the little kid who was 5 years old and who challenged Roger Federer in the US Open 2017 “Can you please continue to play for eight, nine years so that I can play you when I go pro?” and Roger gave him a pinky promise with laughs.

But on Roger Federer’s 41 birthday He made it real for Zizou in collaboration with Barilla in Switzerland and played with Zizou.

“Roger Federer chatted with me off the court for a long time, told me a lot of stories, and gave a lot of tips.” “That was very nice of him I already knew that he was the greatest player of all time. But since that meeting, I’ve realized that he’s also the greatest personality of all time. He is extremely modest and positive. Roger Federer is my idol on and off the court.” Zizou says

that what is Roger Federer like in real life, He is so funny and humble watch the full story in this video:

Roger Federer had breakfast with fans

A Roger Federer fan admitted that He met him in a beach resort while He was eating his breakfast, then Roger Federer asked to join him because He doesn’t like to eat alone.

“I was having breakfast with my kids (at a beach resort) and he just walked up to us and asked if he could join us since he didn’t like to eat alone; he had to be one of the most grounded people I would have ever met,” A fan said

The best quotes said by Roger Federer ever

Roger Federer helps the waitress at the Restaurant

What is Roger Federer like in real life? okay, here Another fan said the story of Roger Federer with his friends at the restaurant and they were reserving some tables and Roger helped the staff to set up the table although He is the guest.

” I can still remember at a restaurant where my friend was a waitress there, Roger Federer and his friends had reserved some tables. It was really busy and the staff was caught up in everything and weren’t prepared. The tables weren’t set up. No complaints, no grumbling. Roger just went ahead and helped the staff out with carrying and setting up more tables. Every story I’ve ever heard about the man reiterates that kind spirit of his.” Roger fan says

Roger Federer takes care of his Children

Roger Federer like in real life | Roger Federer twins with Mirka
Roger Federer like in real life | Roger Federer twins with Mirka

Although Roger Federer is one of the most famous players in the world, He loves his children and He takes care of them personally, A fan told his story when He met him at a Hotel in Scotland.

I met him in Scotland. I was in a small Scottish town not too far from Dundee, called Pittenweem. We were incidentally in the same hotel. It was small, not at all like a big hotel you would expect him to go to. He was vacationing with his wife and daughters.

We were at the hotel eating breakfast and he came in with his wife and two daughters, who were just a year and a half at the time, and extremely attention seeking. Roger did all the work and let his wife be. He fed them, cleaned them, and tried to calm them down every time they would be noisy and cranky. What a great guy! He and his wife looked like they were so happy with each other. There were no helpers. Just the four of them and he did all the work.

When we finally got the chance to speak with him he was so good to us. He offered to take photographs and gave us all the autographs we wanted. When we asked him for one too many, he said, “Hey! Those better not be for sale. I’ll keep an eye out,” with a big smile. He was extremely patient with us. Every time his daughters needed attention and he would have to take them out to calm them down, he would profusely apologize to us and say he would catch up with us late, In a few words, what a great guy! Seriously..

Another gesture shows what is Roger Federer like in real life this time with his kid.

Roger Federer hugs kids

Roger Federer visited India in 2007 to see the victims that were affected by the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami because He was a part of the UNESCO, and here is what happened in the tongue of a Roger Federer fan:

My experience with Roger goes back to 2007. He came to India for seeing those victims affected by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami since he was part of UNESCO. Exactly at 4 pm, he came to my district, Cuddalore. There were 50 kids who lost their parents waiting to see him, and the humble man along with his wife went to see all those kids. He literally turned like a kid playing with each & everyone and learned some local languages (Tamil). At one point some kids got fear due to lots of flashes that came from the photographer, some even cried and this man had tears in his eyes too. He didn’t care what dress they wear and hugged each & everyone with the same amount of love…

At last, he was to leave the area. I was waiting with my notebook to get his autograph. He closed the door and suddenly opened the car door again and called me near to him and gave his autograph with a lovely smile :)”
“For me, Roger is better and the best human than the best player ..!
” The fan says

That was another gesture of what is Roger Federer like in real life and this time by feeling with people who suffer from something.

Roger Federer like in real life
Roger Federer like in real life

What is Roger Federer like in real life – Summary

Those were some stories about what is Roger Federer like in real life, and there are hundreds of Stories if We count them we need a book. Roger Federer in real life is so humble and that’s why He is the most loved Tennis player of all time.