
This is what Rafael Nadal says about being a father and having Children

Rafael Nadal says about being a father and having Children
Rafael Nadal says about being a father and having Children

Rafael Nadal will be a father and awaits a baby in September 2022

The question that finally got an answer was: does Rafael Nadal have a child?

Yes! Rafael Nadal will have a baby with his wife Xisca Perelló as She is finally pregnant.

Rafael Nadal decided to have children after a long relationship with his wife for a reason, that’s why we will see what Rafael Nadal says about being a father and having children.

In this article We have two questions to answer:

  • What Rafael Nadal says about being a father and having children?
  • Why did Rafael Nadal wait to have Children?

let’s dive in!


what Rafael Nadal says about being a father and having children

what Rafael Nadal says about being a father and having Children
what Rafael Nadal says about being a father and having Children

After Roland Garros’ 2022 Final, Rafael Nadal’s baby news became a trend after winning the title of the french open, and in an interview, Rafael Nadal expressed how it feels to be a father and have children.

“If everything went well, I am going to be a father, as I am not used to talking about my private life with my wife and family. We live calmer with a lower profile. I do not expect that my life will change much with it, that’s all for now” Rafael Nadal says about his baby news

It was clear that Rafael Nadal does not like to share his life with his wife Xisca Perello and wants to keep everything as private as possible.


Why did Rafael Nadal wait to have Children?

what Rafael Nadal says about being a father and having Children
what Rafael Nadal says about being a father and having Children

After a long relationship, Rafael Nadal and his wife Xisca Perello finally shared the news of waiting for the first baby,

but before that, Rafael Nadal had thoughts about having kids in his life as He loves them, and He knows time is going that’s why He wanted to have his first baby as soon as possible.

“It’s not something that just depends on you. I love children and I would like to form part of a family,”

“Surely, I have the wish of making a family, I love children a lot and I would like my children to do what they like,”

“I want to have many children including boys and girls… as I am a person who loves kids and I’m a family guy. as there is no doubt that the years are going, and I would like to start to do all of this when my sporting life determines it.”

“tennis and my happiness same as my family. I enjoy both tennis and outside it. yes, I have a wife as well and I am not alone to make decisions in this.“

“You have to make situations good. Having family? I don’t know, things are not easy to be predicted at least for now for children,”

“At this age, I thought that I would have already been a former player and that I would have started a family.”

“If I didn’t see myself playing tennis… then possibly, I could have had children before,” he told ATP Tour.

“At the age, we are now we’re not going to wait five years,” 

Rafael Nadal about children
