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Watch: Novak Djokovic training so hard in the Off Season

Novak Djokovic training
Novak Djokovic training

Novak Djokovic is preparing for the second half of the 2022 season with his team for the physical side.

Although Novak Djokovic has doubts about whether He will be able to participate in the US Open 2022 or not despite the support of John McEnroe, He is going in his training routine to stay at the top of his level.

The Type of training Novak Djokovic is doing is different as He tries everything to benefit from it like Pushing a car, doing slides with his coach, and so on.

You can watch in the Videos below Novak Djokovic’s training session with his team preparing for the second half of the Tennis season.

Novak Djokovic training so hard in the Off Season

Novak Djokovic training so hard in the Off Season