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Nick Kyrgios makes jokes and big players respond to Djokovic

Nick Kyrgios makes jokes and big players respond to Djokovic
Nick Kyrgios makes jokes and big players respond to Djokovic

Novak Djokovic default from the US Open 2020 was a shock in the Tennis world

After the shocking disqualification of the world number 1 from the US Open 2020,

many Tennis players and fans responded to what happened, some of them were angry,

some were on the fair side. but some fans went too far than expected,

check why: Djokovic fans threat the line judge by death And He asks them to stop

The first players to respond was Nick Kyrgios as He posted a tweet asking his fans if He did that how many years they will ban him from Tennis.

“Swap me for jokers incident. ‘Accidentally hitting the ball kid in the throat’ how many years would I be banned for?”

and more than 51% of the voters ( 208K people voted) agreed for 20 years…

Nick Kyrgios makes jokes and big players respond to Djokovic

Tim Henman believes that Novak Djokovic deserved the default

The former british player reveals that Djokovic’s punishment was ultimately the only realistic outcome.

“It happened to me in 1995. “

“We were up two sets in the doubles. I hit a ball-girl in the ear.” 

“Djokovic was not aiming for the line judge, but you have to be responsible for your actions.” 

“There is no other result but to be defaulted.” 

Read This is why Novak Djokovic disqualified from the US Open 2020 ?

Nick Kyrgios makes jokes and big players respond to Djokovic
Nick Kyrgios makes jokes and big players respond to Djokovic

Gregory Rusedski attacks Novak Djokovic for not making the media press

Gregory Rusedski is a British and Canadian former tennis player, and He believes that Djokovic

should go to the press after the match, but He did not.

“I’m a little bit disappointed, You have to remember this man is the world No 1.”

“Yes it is a very difficult situation being defaulted at a major championship but he should have taken an hour”

“or two hours to reflect on what happened, go into press, take responsibiliy and apologise for the situation.”

“It is a difficult situation but when you are the No 1 player in the world you have to do the right thing.

“He is the guy trying to lead men’s tennis and a players association.”

“I hope he makes the decision to come back to the press conference, apologise and explain the situation” He said.

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