
Who is The man that imitates Rafael Nadal? funny actor

Who is The man that imitates Rafael Nadal
Who is The man that imitates Rafael Nadal

Elliot Loney is the man who imitates Rafael Nadal

The man that imitates Rafael Nadal is the Australian comedian Eliot Loney who considers himself an impersonater, Voice-Over artist, and writer of comedy Tv Shows on Saturday nights in Australia.

Elliot Loney became famous in the Tennis world after He started making videos where He imitates Rafael Nadal in a funny way including his way of talking, and playing Tennis.

Let’s watch and see exactly how Elliot Loney is impersonating Rafael Nadal.

The man that imitates Rafael Nadal

Rafael Nadal once met Elliot Loney on a practice court area and He was steering toward him with a shy smile.

But early in 2015 Elliot Loney took pictures with him and commented on it in a funny way as well.

“Hello Rafa my name is Rafael Nadal can I get a fantastic picture with me” (this is Rafa’s confused face)” Elliot Loney said

” Tune in to the Today show channel 9 around 9 am tomorrow morning to see an interview with the REAL, Rafael Nadal.” He added

“Rafael Nadal and Uncle Tony are sitting behind me playing backgammon.. Should I gate crash this party?” other words from Elliot…

The man that imitates Rafael Nadal is Elliot loney
