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Roger Federer: Thanks to rivals for making me better

Roger Federer: Thanks to rivals for making me better
Roger Federer: Thanks to rivals for making me better
Roger Federer send a Thanks to his rivals for making him better player

The Swiss man was flying in his private jet from Zurich to Madrid at the begining

of the clay season where He had an interview with Simon Kuper, a reporter in MSN.

both men were in an altitude of 40 000 feet in the sky over the commercial jets.

Federer took breakfaste with Kuper where Roger asked the stewardess for three different juices,

telling her with smile “I never have, but let me try one,” then The Swiss started telling

about his career and answering important questions many people had no idea about.

The reporter asked Roger that He’s battling his way back to the top, then He replied

that It’s good times now, and appreciate these moments especially the end is closer than before

and He savours every trip for him now because it could be his last visit to the city He plays in.

Roger Federer summed up his career in Tennis.

Although Federer is still playing, but He said it’s gone too fast and He feels like

He was a junior yesterday in sign of how fast his career left in his eyes.

“It’s gone way too fast. I feel like I was a junior yesterday.” Federer said

In the age of 14, Federer left to the Tennis academy with tears and He had to take train to get in.

“I cried when I was away. Every time I took a train, Sunday night at six, I was as sad

as could be, but it was my choice. You give up your childhood a bit, but I would probably do it all over again.”

after 1 years He left to the Academy He was 15, and was hoping to be in the top 100,

and win tournaments besides playing some players who He watched on TV ( Sampras, Agassi…)

at the age of 18, Federer broke the top 100, and He was like ‘WOW’ I can be on the tour

and when He met Agassi and Sampras in the locker room He said ” My god, it’s so cool

The stewardess came back and Roger asked for espresso “Could I maybe have one more espresso “

She suggests an omelette for Roger then He said “Why not?”

Roger was asked if He eats KitKats before major finals, and told He takes coffe

before every match and if there is chocolate He takes it as well, besides some cookies.

see Roger Federer Wimbledon 2019 – Draw

Roger Federer concluded the jet interview saying “Thanks to rivals for making me a better player”

before that The reporter asked The Swiss legend if He loved to have an unchallenged supremacy

and Federer agreed about that to be dominating forever, but others come talking

about Nadal and the other, these guys forced Roger to improve himself as a player

” Of course. I would have loved to dominate forever. When Rafael and others were coming

through, it took me some getting used to. At one point you tip your hat

you’re very good. I take joy after realizing you cannot just be alone at the top. You need rivals.

I’m thankful to these guys, to make me a better player.” Federer said

Roger Federer will start his mission for the title number 9 in Wimbledon this Tuesday.