
Roger Federer reveals He was talking to Rafael Nadal during the injury recovery

Roger Federer reveals He was talking to Rafael Nadal during injury recovery
Roger Federer reveals He was talking to Rafael Nadal during injury recovery

Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal were contacting during the recovery phase.

The Swiss legend Roger Federer was forced to skip the 2020 season due to his knee injury as He made two operations.

during that time when He was out of the court, Roger Federer told the media He used to talk to his rival and friend Rafael Nadal many times.

Roger Federer reveals He was talking to Rafael Nadal during the injury recovery

and here is what Roger Federer said:

“I talked a lot with Rafael Nadal, Because we are on the Players’ Council, we had to keep talking to each other: What is best for the sport? How can we bring it forward?

Roger Federer reveals He was talking to Rafael Nadal during the injury recovery
Roger Federer reveals He was talking to Rafael Nadal during the injury recovery

Roger Federer reveals He was talking to Rafael Nadal during the injury recovery

Moreover, Roger Federer revealed that Rafael Nadal asked him about his recovery situation during the lockdown.

check, Roger Federer’s coach gives new updates as they prepare for 2021 in Dubai

“We also called during the tough lockdown in Spain. And he asked me how I was doing after the operation.”

“At first, I was happy to just stay longer in Switzerland, but at some point we realized that we were missing our friends, those from London, New York or Paris”

“We are always together as a family, whether on tour or not, but the stress fell away.

talked about kids: ” ‘Daddy still has a match’ or ‘Don’t be too loud in the morning because Daddy didn’t go to bed until three in the morning after a match “It was nice to live normally as a family for once.”