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Roger Federer responds to Nadal about Wimbledon Seeding

Roger Federer responds to Nadal about Wimbledon Seeding
Roger Federer responds to Nadal about Wimbledon Seeding
Roger Federer responds to Nadal about Wimbledon Seeding, where it knew a lot of talking from Nadal

Roger Federer seeded N 2 in Wimbledon at the moment He won Halle for the 10th time,

Wimbledon is the only tournament that takes a different ranking process to other

Grand Slam tournament. Nadal did not play in any grass event and He jumped from

the 2nd seeding to the 3rd seeding, that was a trouble of him now He’s facing

Federer in potential S-Finals, besides a tough draw for the Spaniard who just lifted

his 12th title in Roland Garros and chasing Federer’s Grand Slam recrods.

Rafa said “It has not only happened to me, but it has also happened to other players.

They do not respect the status that some players have earned throughout the season.”

check Rafael Nadal: Wimbledon seeding disrespect me

also his Uncle Toni Nadal had his word in this issue supporting his nephew and attacked

Wimbledon ranking process.

“They’re used to going their own way and they act like that because they feel special

and maybe they think they have the right to do things as they want. It’s a bad beginning.” Toni Nadal said

read more Toni Nadal: Wimbledon showed lack of Respect to Nadal

Roger Federer had the pre-tournament press conference today where He talked about

many things considering his future matches and past events He participated in.

watch Roger Federer Wimbledon 2019 Pre-Tournament Conference

Roger Federer responds to Nadal about Wimbledon Seeding was the reporters goal.

Federer faced an important question which actually made the buzz in social media.

The reporter asked him: ” What do you think of what [Rafa] Nadal words that

there is no justice in Wimbledon seeding process to jump up to the 2nd seed”

The Swiss man is always wise in his words, and very careful about his words

because He’s talking about his career rival, a friend, and a player who He might face

read Roger Federer: All should respect Wimbledon system

in the S-Finals of the tournament. Federer mentioned that Wimbledon has it’s ranking

system and everybody knows that, and it’s a very old system which didn’t just come

” everybody knows Wimbledon has its unique ranking process, I think this rule did not

just show up today it was already in past years. This year it happened for me

“and [Kevin] Anderson He also seeded as N, the fact that if you want to win a grand slam”

“you will have to face through any player you face in your road to the title,” Federer said.

” It wasn’t in plans to benefit from the seeding ranking of Wimbledon, this didn’t happen

for me in last couple of years, Rafa was the social media first subject these days and I think He liked it.” Federer closed the case

with these deep words, Federer closed this case about the seeding issue between him and Rafael Nadal.