
What do you know about Roger Federer Cow? rare information

What do you know about Roger Federer Cow
What do you know about Roger Federer Cow

The Story of Roger Federer’s love for his cow

Roger Federer’s first grand slam title was in Wimbledon 2003, and Gstaad Open organizers decided to give their Swiss champion a gift after claiming his first slam title, and the gift was a cow.

Roger Federer named his cow Ganga she gave birth to a calf named Edelweiss, but her previous name was Julliette. The Cow in Switzerland is the national animal and it brings tourists to come to visit the Swiss mountains.

Keep reading about Roger Federer cow


What do you know about Roger Federer Cow?

Roger Federer’s cow Julliete was not with him all time as He travels the world every month, so it stayed with its owner who is the farmer Ruedi Wehren,

Because of old age and lack of milk, Roger Federer’s cow was slaughtered in 2005 this reason which is normal, her Calf Edelweiss got the name from Roger Federer.

“Juliette gave birth to a calf, and then she wasn’t producing enough milk, so she was slaughtered.” Farmer says

In 2013’s summer when Roger Federer decided to play Gstaad one more time they gifted him another cow whose name was Desiree and they make it in the opening ceremony in front of Tennis fans.

Roger Federer is a cow lover

Roger Federer Cow
Roger Federer Cow

The Swiss legend Roger Federer expressed that He loves cows and will take lessons to know how to milk,

“I’m going to learn how to milk it. I’ll do anything for it,”

Roger Federer says

In Gstaad 2013 when Roger Federer was gifted a new cow here is what He said:

“@opengstaad today Desirée my new friend seemed to be a bit shy at first when we met, I got to admit that I was too!!Roger Federer said on Twitter
