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Rafael Nadal “I’m Finally super happy”

Rafael Nadal "I'm Finally super happy"
Rafael Nadal "I'm Finally super happy"
Rafael Nadal reveals that He’s finally super happy for what Happened this season

The Spaniard history is full of injuries and He did pull up uncountable times

from his matches and the rest of season due to one of the injuries He faces.

2016 was the last season when Rafa missed the rest of season besides Roger Federer,

and after that, they both came with energy to show high-class Tennis.

In the picture below, you see all injuries Rafa Nadal faced in his career.

for that, Rafael Nadal revealed how happy He’s for not shutting down this season due to any injury He could face in his practice or matches.

Nadal was forced to play many matches under the press of injury not to miss

some tournaments and matches, but that penalized him for skipping many matches later.

read Rafael Nadal Rogers Cup 2019 – Draw

Rafael Nadal “I am good, I’m Finally super happy, I took the decision to keep going

and I did it with the right attitude and I think the right energy.”

Rafael Nadal “I’m Finally super happy” Embed from Getty Images

The World Number 2 also told the press since Madrid his body is holding well,

and He’s finally playing without any limitations which stopped him a couple of times before.

“I know I am going to play with pain but the main thing is to play without limitations.

“That you can play without thinking about if you can do this movement or not.”

Rafael Nadal will play Dan Evans in the 2nd round of Rogers Cup today at 17:00 GMT