News Interviews

Novak Djokovic “I Wanted To Impress Sampras”

Novak Djokovic "I Wanted To Impress Sampras"

After Playing his first match since winning the Australian Open Djokovic was happy with sampras in his match

No wonders that Pete Sampras was the idol of his generation all was in love with him

as He was a very brillant player, so much respect inside and outside the court

The 14 Grand Slam winners decided to attend Novak’s first match in Indian Wells

It happened that Novak wanted to impress Pete during his match because He was looking at him

when He was a kid, that ended up making him losing his focus as He mentioned later

“It’s a thrill to see someone I looked up to when I was a kid,”

“I learned that I have to be ready to see Pete Sampras coming to watch my match,”

“I was pleasantly surprised but felt my nerves kick in. I don’t get to see him very often

and wanted to impress him.” Worl Number 1 said


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