
Andy Murray “I still have some pain in my hip”

Andy Murray has just cameback and trying to get back to the tour
step by step,

The Former world N 1 declared that He still has some pain in his Hip,

Besides that Andy is positive and thinks He is able to come back.

“I still have some pain in my hip but I need to play matches and see how

it feels when I am able to play three, four, five matches in a row and take it from there,”

“I would just like to get through the tournaments and feel like I am able

to compete and not be restricted by my hip.”

“Surgery is also an option, but the chances of a successful outcome

are not as high as I would like, which has made this my secondary

option, and my hope has been to avoid that.”

Andy Murray’s Doctor John O’Donnell, explained Andy’s situation

“Andy’s hip is an ongoing problem, Not as bad as it was, but not normal.”

“It had reached a point where he couldn’t play. It wasn’t really at a stage

where we could attempt to make his hip normal, it was just to try

and make it as much better as we could.

“He’s certainly improved but he still has ongoing problems with it.

I think he’s been walking a tightrope for some time. It’s just his intense

desire to do well that’s kept him going as well as he has.”

Read More Andy Murray “I feel okay, not perfect,”


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