
Roger Federer trolls a fan on Twitter “The Twitter manager”

Roger Federer trolls a fan on Twitter "The Twitter manager"
Roger Federer trolls a fan on Twitter "The Twitter manager"

Roger Federer just arrived in Shanghai and started his preparations for the tournament,

and during this period of time, Federer posted some pictures on Social Media and reacted to some questions of his fans.

it was a kind of funny thing to do since He did not make his famous hashtag of #ASKRF.

Recently a fan asked Federer about who manages his Twitter account ” is that really you Roger? Or just a Twitter manager”

read Roger Federer got huge reception at the airport by Chinese fans

for that, Roger Federer replied to the fan tweet with his funny way, He posted his picture and made the caption “The twitter manager”

Roger Federer trolls a fan on Twitter “The Twitter manager”

Roger Federer is a serious player on the court, but a very funny man outside of the court as He jokes with the fans.

Moreover, The Swiss man started his practice session in Shanghai today to prepare for the tournament.

and also for a chance to take the title number 3 in the ATP Rolex tournament.

Roger Federer trolls a fan on Twitter “The Twitter manager” Embed from Getty Images