
People attack Roger Federer due to Climate Change “#RogerWakeUp”

People attack Roger Federer due to Climate Change "#RogerWakeUp"
People attack Roger Federer due to Climate Change "#RogerWakeUp"

people stand a hashtag on Twitter called #RogerWakeUp because of the Credit Swiss issue

The Swiss man is out of the Tennis court for almost 8 months since the knee surgery.

but the Climate change issue caused by Credit Suisse which is a sponsor of Roger Federer raised again.

As some people stand a hashtag called #RogerWakeUp which motivates him to talk about this.

This came after the last commercial pub Roger made for the bank of Credit Suisse

People attack Roger Federer due to Climate Change “#RogerWakeUp”

Roger Federer treats people perfectly although standing against him

The hashtag #RogerWakeUp raised ealy this year and ranked as Number 3 on twitter,

The people who raised this hashtag believe that Roger Federer is endorsing the bank

that has loaned money to organizers alleged to be involved in the destruction of Amazon.

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for that, Roger Federer responded to the people with a respectful way.

“We owe it to [youth climate activists] and ourselves to listen. I appreciate reminders of my responsibility”

“as a private individual, as an athlete and as an entrepreneur, and I’m committed to using this privileged”

“position to dialogue on important issues with my sponsors,” Federer said.

People attack Roger Federer due to Climate Change “#RogerWakeUp”

Read “Roger Federer is the G.O.A.T of Tennis” Pep Guardiola says

Roger Federer reveals about the tournament He will play first in 2021

In a recent interview of The Swiss legend He revealed He will make a comeback to the Tennis courts again.

Now I’m back in training after my knee surgery and next week I will play twice on the court again,”

“45 minutes each. The big goal remains to participate in the Australian Open in January.”